
Errori comuni quando si utilizza un termometro clinico e come evitarli

2025-01-08 10:29:43
Errori comuni quando si utilizza un termometro clinico e come evitarli

One of the most essential things to keep a check on is our body temperature. And checking our temperature helps us identify when we have a fever. It is important to know that a fever is a symptom that we are sick or not feeling well. We use a thermometer to measure our temperature. However, there are some beginner mistakes we land on when taking temperature with a thermometer. Such mistakes can complicate getting an accurate gauge of the temperature. In this article, we will offer a few helpful hints about using a thermometer properly to ensure you get the most accurate reading.

Come utilizzare un termometro 

It is essential to wash your hands before starting to use your thermometer. Clean your hands well with soap and water and dry with a clean towel. Avoid using alcohol or hand sanitizer immediately before using the thermometer. That’s because these products can leave a residue on your hands that could impact the thermometer’s reading. When you grab your thermometer, don’t touch the tip at all. The tip is the bit you stick under your tongue, in your ear or on your forehead. You should never touch the thermometer except by the handle. This helps keep the tip clean and ensures that you get a reading that accurately reflects your current temperature. It is also really important to follow the instructions that come with your thermometer. There are different types of thermometers, and the used to put them in, and it is essential to follow the instructions in order to arrive at the right temperature results.

Getting the Right Temperature 

When you describe the temperature, be sure to specify the time of day; the temperature reading should be within a specific time frame to be accurate. Experts say you should take your temperature in the morning, before eating or drinking anything. This is because your temperature can fluctuate in response to many factors, including what you’ve eaten or drunk, throughout the day. And it’s also best to make an effort to check your temperature at the same time of day each day so you can monitor yourself for any changes. Do not take your temperature immediately after bath or shower, as it can give a false reading. When taking your temperature under tongue, you need to close your mouth. In this manner, the thermometer can read your body temperature more accurately which is really crucial for knowing how are you feeling.

Differentiated Between Different Types of Thermometers 

Simply put, not all thermometers are the same, and how to use each one correctly differs. Digital thermometers and mercury thermometers are two broad classifications of thermometers. Digital thermometers are extremely common because they display numbers on a screen, so they are easy to read. They can be used in various ways, including under the tongue, in the bottom, or under the arm. Mercury thermometers, on the other hand, have a scale that must be observed closely. They are typically applied sublingually or intravaginally. That is why you have to be extremely cautious around a mercury thermometer because it can easily shatter. Do not use if the mercury thermometer is cracked or appears broken. This is incredibly critical for your own safety.

Errori comuni da evitare 

They check their temperature too soon, one of the biggest mistakes people make. You should leave the thermometer in place for at least two minutes, experts say. Allowing enough time for the thermometer to take an accurate reading of your body temperature. Pull it too early, though, and you may not be getting the right number. Others also mistook the thermometer or placed it in the wrong location. Be sure to review the instructions that came with your thermometer to ensure you’re using it correctly. Better to take your time and do it properly than to rush and get the wrong reading.

Cleaning Your Thermometer 

Cleaning your thermometer is vital to ensuring it works safely and effectively. You can wipe it down easily with disinfectant, soap and water. Be sure to wipe down both the handle and the tip of the thermometer using a clean cloth before and after you use it. This reduces the likelihood of you transferring germs from one use to the next. It is also critical to keep your thermometer in a dry, clean location. Do not store your thermometer near heat sources or in direct sunlight. These conditions can harm the thermometer and compromise its accuracy. You can help your thermometer be accurate, and have a long life by caring for it.

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